Module java.desktop

Interface RegisterableService

    • Method Detail

      • onRegistration

        void onRegistration​(ServiceRegistry registry,
                            Class<?> category)
        Called when an object implementing this interface is added to the given category of the given registry. The object may already be registered under another category or categories.
        registry - a ServiceRegistry where this object has been registered.
        category - a Class object indicating the registry category under which this object has been registered.
      • onDeregistration

        void onDeregistration​(ServiceRegistry registry,
                              Class<?> category)
        Called when an object implementing this interface is removed from the given category of the given registry. The object may still be registered under another category or categories.
        registry - a ServiceRegistry from which this object is being (wholly or partially) deregistered.
        category - a Class object indicating the registry category from which this object is being deregistered.