class |
JApplet |
class |
JButton |
An implementation of a "push" button.
class |
JCheckBox |
An implementation of a check box -- an item that can be selected or
deselected, and which displays its state to the user.
class |
JCheckBoxMenuItem |
A menu item that can be selected or deselected.
class |
JColorChooser |
JColorChooser provides a pane of controls designed to allow
a user to manipulate and select a color.
class |
JComboBox<E> |
A component that combines a button or editable field and a drop-down list.
class |
JDialog |
The main class for creating a dialog window.
class |
JEditorPane |
A text component to edit various kinds of content.
class |
JFileChooser |
JFileChooser provides a simple mechanism for the user to
choose a file.
class |
JFrame |
An extended version of java.awt.Frame that adds support for
the JFC/Swing component architecture.
class |
JInternalFrame |
A lightweight object that provides many of the features of
a native frame, including dragging, closing, becoming an icon,
resizing, title display, and support for a menu bar.
class |
JLabel |
A display area for a short text string or an image,
or both.
class |
JList<E> |
A component that displays a list of objects and allows the user to select
one or more items.
class |
JMenu |
An implementation of a menu -- a popup window containing
JMenuItem s that
is displayed when the user selects an item on the JMenuBar .
class |
JMenuBar |
An implementation of a menu bar.
class |
JMenuItem |
An implementation of an item in a menu.
class |
JOptionPane |
JOptionPane makes it easy to pop up a standard dialog box that
prompts users for a value or informs them of something.
class |
JPasswordField |
JPasswordField is a lightweight component that allows
the editing of a single line of text where the view indicates
something was typed, but does not show the original characters.
class |
JPopupMenu |
An implementation of a popup menu -- a small window that pops up
and displays a series of choices.
class |
JProgressBar |
A component that visually displays the progress of some task.
class |
JRadioButton |
An implementation of a radio button -- an item that can be selected or
deselected, and which displays its state to the user.
class |
JRadioButtonMenuItem |
An implementation of a radio button menu item.
class |
JScrollBar |
An implementation of a scrollbar.
class |
JScrollPane |
Provides a scrollable view of a lightweight component.
class |
JSeparator |
JSeparator provides a general purpose component for
implementing divider lines - most commonly used as a divider
between menu items that breaks them up into logical groupings.
class |
JSlider |
A component that lets the user graphically select a value by sliding
a knob within a bounded interval.
class |
JSpinner |
A single line input field that lets the user select a
number or an object value from an ordered sequence.
class |
JTabbedPane |
A component that lets the user switch between a group of components by
clicking on a tab with a given title and/or icon.
class |
JTable |
The JTable is used to display and edit regular two-dimensional tables
of cells.
class |
JTextArea |
A JTextArea is a multi-line area that displays plain text.
class |
JTextField |
JTextField is a lightweight component that allows the editing
of a single line of text.
class |
JTextPane |
A text component that can be marked up with attributes that are
represented graphically.
class |
JToggleButton |
An implementation of a two-state button.
class |
JToolBar |
JToolBar provides a component that is useful for
displaying commonly used Action s or controls.
class |
JTree |
A control that displays a set of hierarchical data as an outline.
class |
JWindow |
A JWindow is a container that can be displayed anywhere on the
user's desktop.