Module java.desktop

Class BasicHTML

  • public class BasicHTML
    extends Object
    Support for providing html views for the swing components. This translates a simple html string to a javax.swing.text.View implementation that can render the html and provide the necessary layout semantics.
    • Field Detail

      • propertyKey

        public static final String propertyKey
        Key to use for the html renderer when stored as a client property of a JComponent.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • documentBaseKey

        public static final String documentBaseKey
        Key stored as a client property to indicate the base that relative references are resolved against. For example, lets say you keep your images in the directory resources relative to the code path, you would use the following the set the base:
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • BasicHTML

        public BasicHTML()
    • Method Detail

      • createHTMLView

        public static View createHTMLView​(JComponent c,
                                          String html)
        Create an html renderer for the given component and string of html.
        c - a component
        html - an HTML string
        an HTML renderer
      • getHTMLBaseline

        public static int getHTMLBaseline​(View view,
                                          int w,
                                          int h)
        Returns the baseline for the html renderer.
        view - the View to get the baseline for
        w - the width to get the baseline for
        h - the height to get the baseline for
        baseline or a value < 0 indicating there is no reasonable baseline
        IllegalArgumentException - if width or height is < 0
        See Also:
        FontMetrics, JComponent.getBaseline(int,int)
      • isHTMLString

        public static boolean isHTMLString​(String s)
        Check the given string to see if it should trigger the html rendering logic in a non-text component that supports html rendering.
        s - a text
        true if the given string should trigger the html rendering logic in a non-text component
      • updateRenderer

        public static void updateRenderer​(JComponent c,
                                          String text)
        Stash the HTML render for the given text into the client properties of the given JComponent. If the given text is NOT HTML the property will be cleared of any renderer.

        This method is useful for ComponentUI implementations that are static (i.e. shared) and get their state entirely from the JComponent.

        c - a component
        text - a text