// This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. // To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ or send a // letter to Creative Commons, 444 Castro Street, Suite 900, Mountain View, California, 94041, USA. // Persistence Of Vision raytracer version 3.5 sample file. // CRATER_DAT.POV // Render CRATER_DAT.POV (this file) to create the height_field // image that is needed in CRATER.POV. Then render CRATER.POV. // // ( You can use any output image type, but the quality will be // best with the special 16-bit gray output that is supported // by the PNG, TGA and PPM image types. For example the command // line setting +fn will set the output image type to PNG. See // the documentation for details. ) // // In POV-Ray 3.7 and later 'hf_gray_16' has to be specified as // an option on the command-line (e.g. '+FNg'), in an INI file // (e.g. 'Grayscale_Output=true'), or (on some platforms) in a dialog. // See the documentation for more details. // // -w512 -h384 +FNg #version 3.7; global_settings { assumed_gamma 2.0 hf_gray_16 } #include "colors.inc" // a wrinkle colored plane plane {z,10 hollow on pigment{wrinkles color_map{ [0 White*0.3] [1 White] } } } // Main spotlight creates crater mountain light_source {0 color 1 spotlight point_at z*10 radius 7 falloff 11 } // Dim spotlight softens outer edges further light_source {0 color .25 spotlight point_at z*10 radius 2 falloff 15 } // Narrow spotlight creates central peak light_source {0 color .1 spotlight point_at z*10 radius 0 falloff 1.3 } // Negative spotlight cuts out crater insides light_source {0 color -0.9 spotlight point_at z*10 radius 5 falloff 9.5 } // Dim negative spotlight counteracts dim positive light in center light_source {0 color -.25 spotlight point_at z*10 radius 3 falloff 8 }