// This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. // To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ or send a // letter to Creative Commons, 444 Castro Street, Suite 900, Mountain View, California, 94041, USA. // Persistence Of Vision Ray Tracer Scene Description File // File: GlassChess.pov // Desc: Three glass chesspieces. // Date: 1999-06-22 // Updated: 2001-07-27 // Auth: Ingo Janssen // // -w320 -h240 // -w800 -h600 +a0.3 // // with +w400 +h300 +a0.3 // on a PII, 233 MHz // it takes 26 min to render // so with the current GHz monsters ... #version 3.6; #include "chesspiece1.inc" global_settings { assumed_gamma 1.0 max_trace_level 15 } light_source { < 500, 50,-5> rgb 1 } camera { location < 5.5, 1,-7.0> right x*image_width/image_height look_at < 0.0, 1, 0.0> angle 60 } // Textures and materials #declare Glass = texture { pigment {rgbf < 0.98, 1.0, 0.98, 1> } finish { specular 1 roughness 0.001 ambient 0 diffuse 0 reflection { 0,1 fresnel } } } #declare PieceTex = texture { pigment {rgbt < 0.9, 0.9, 0.6, 0.6>} finish {reflection 0.3} } #declare SkyGlass = material { texture { pigment {rgbt < 0.95, 0.95, 1, 1> } finish { diffuse 0.2 ambient 0.05 specular 1.5 roughness 0.01 brilliance 0.01 reflection { 0,1 fresnel } } normal { // from a water by Jon S. Brandt. bozo normal_map { [ 0.30 waves translate -0.5 scale <1, 0.05, 1>*100000 frequency 100000] [ 0.70 ripples translate -0.5 scale <1, 0.70, 1>*100000 frequency 100000] [ 0.85 ripples translate -0.5 scale <1, 0.60, 1>*100000 frequency 100000] [ 1.00 ripples translate -0.5 scale 100000 frequency 100000] } scale 0.6 } } interior {ior 1.33} } // start sky sky_sphere { pigment { gradient y color_map { [0.0 color rgb < 0.3, 0.05, 0.15>] [1.0 color rgb 1] } translate < 0,-0.1, 0> } } sphere { 0, 5000 scale < 1, 0.3, 0.6> hollow pigment { bozo turbulence 0.1 color_map { [ 0.0 color rgbt 1] [ 0.4 color rgbt 0.8] [ 1.0 color rgb 1] } scale < 250, 500, 250> } finish { ambient 0.7 diffuse 0 } rotate < 5, 0, 0> } sphere { 0, 4000 scale < 1, 0.1, 0.6> hollow pigment{ bozo turbulence 0.1 color_map { [ 0.0 color rgbt 1 ] [ 0.3 color rgbt 0.8 ] [ 1.0 color rgb 1 ] } scale < 250, 500, 250> } finish { ambient 0.4 diffuse 0 } rotate < 5, 0, 0> } box { <-10, 3.5,-7>, < 10, 3.51, 7> no_shadow material {SkyGlass} } // end sky // chessboard height_field { function 256, 256 { pigment { checker color rgb 1 color rgb 0 scale 1/8 } } smooth translate <-0.5, 0.0,-0.5> scale < 12,-0.5, 12> rotate < 0, 270, 0> texture {Glass} interior {ior 1.2} } union { difference { box {<-7,-0.25,-7>, < 7,-0.001, 7>} box {<-6,-0.30,-6>, < 6, 0, 6>} pigment {rgb < 0, 0, 0.5>} } box { <-6,-0.2,-6>, < 6,-0.501, 6> texture { pigment { checker color rgb 1 color rgb < 0, 0, 1> scale 1.5 translate < 1.5, 0, 0> } } } no_shadow } // end chessboard // The pieces difference { superellipsoid { < 0.05, 0.05> translate < 0, 1, 0> scale < 0.5, 0.9, 0.5> pigment {rgbf 0.9} texture {Glass} interior { ior 1.5 fade_distance 2 fade_power 2 } } object { Paard rotate < 0,-90, 0> texture{PieceTex} } no_shadow rotate < 0, 68, 0> translate < 2.2*1.5, 0, -3.5*1.5> } difference { superellipsoid { < 0.05, 0.05> translate < 0, 1, 0> scale < 0.5, 0.9, 0.5> texture {Glass} interior { ior 1.5 fade_distance 2 fade_power 2 } } object { Loper texture{PieceTex} } no_shadow translate < 1.5*1.5, 0,-1.5> } difference { superellipsoid { < 0.05, 0.05> translate < 0, 1, 0> scale < 0.5, 0.75, 0.5> texture {Glass} interior { ior 1.5 fade_distance 2 fade_power 2 } } object { Toren texture{PieceTex} } no_shadow translate < 3.5*1.5, 0,-3.5*1.5> } // end pieces