; Persistence Of Vision raytracer version 3.5 sample file. ; This .ini file runs a 3 frame "animation". Image maps for picture ; frame in the final picture are generated by the 1st two frames; ; the final image is the last frame itself. ; ; When rendering the INI files, make sure ; there is nothing left on the command-line ; to interfere with the process. ; ; Also make sure that there is not specified ; any Output_File_Name. Otherwise the both files ; desk.ini and desk.pov should be moved to the ; according output file path before starting rendering. ; Antialias=off Width=640 Height=480 ; This .pov file wants .png's for its image_maps. Output_File_Type=N ; Don't want to pause between frames Pause_when_Done=off ; This will be converted to desk1.png, desk2.png, desk3.png, desk4.png Input_File_Name=desk.pov Initial_Frame=1 Final_Frame=4 ; Clock, in this context, is simply used as a frame indicator Initial_Clock=1 Final_Clock=4