// This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. // To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ // or send a letter to Creative Commons, 444 Castro Street, Suite 900, Mountain View, // California, 94041, USA. // Persistence Of Vision raytracer version 3.5 sample file. // Demo showing several surfaces of surface_of_revolution ... Dieter Bayer, June 1994 // // -w320 -h240 // -w800 -h600 +a0.3 #version 3.7; global_settings { assumed_gamma 2.2 max_trace_level 5 } #include "colors.inc" #include "textures.inc" #include "shapes.inc" camera { location <40, 40, -80> right x*image_width/image_height angle 21 look_at <1.9, 5, 0> } light_source { <40, 40, -80> colour Gray40 } light_source { <0, 50, 20> colour Gray40 } light_source { <50, 50, -50> colour Gray40 } light_source { <-50, 50, -50> colour Gray40 } background { color SkyBlue } plane { y, 0 pigment { checker colour Yellow colour rgb<0.75,1,0> scale 5 } finish { ambient 0.2 diffuse 0.8 } } #declare Glas1 = sor { 7, <0.000000, 0.000000> <0.118143, 0.000000> <0.620253, 0.540084> <0.210970, 0.827004> <0.194093, 0.962025> <0.286920, 1.000000> <0.468354, 1.033755> open } #declare Glas2 = sor { 12, <.517241379, -.132625995> <.249336870, 0.000000> <.068965517, .031830239> <.021220159, .050397878> <.058355438, .347480106> <.132625995, .381962865> <.196286472, .464190981> <.238726790, .602122016> <.249336870, .721485411> <.233421751, .864721485> <.167108753, 1.000000000> <.084880637, 1.055702918> open } #declare Glas3 = sor { 18, <0.125628, -0.035176> <0.394472, 0.000000> <0.281407, 0.030151> <0.108040, 0.052764> <0.125628, 0.090452> <0.221106, 0.185930> <0.125628, 0.216080> <0.090452, 0.339196> <0.185930, 0.402010> <0.251256, 0.522613> <0.208543, 0.645729> <0.150754, 0.703518> <0.082915, 0.771357> <0.082915, 0.844221> <0.155779, 0.917085> <0.261307, 0.942211> <0.238693, 1.000000> <0.329146, 1.115578> open } #declare Glas4 = sor { 10, <0.000000, -0.062814> <0.062814, 0.000000> <0.351759, 0.311558> <0.125628, 0.462312> <0.233668, 0.575377> <0.163317, 0.693467> <0.256281, 0.786432> <0.165829, 0.876884> <0.155779, 1.000000> <0.311558, 1.130653> open } #declare Glas5 = sor { 13, <0.148225, 0.000000> <0.189979, 0.000000> <0.154489, 0.096033> <0.075157, 0.123173> <0.070981, 0.164927> <0.129436, 0.223382> <0.070981, 0.281837> <0.108559, 0.354906> <0.075157, 0.436326> <0.175365, 0.536534> <0.240084, 0.672234> <0.327766, 1.000000> <0.290188, 1.000000> open } #declare Glas6 = sor { 11, <0.150754, 0.000000> <0.150754, 0.000000> <0.150754, 0.155779> <0.150754, 0.391960> <0.140704, 0.449749> <0.082915, 0.489950> <0.125628, 0.530151> <0.140704, 0.582915> <0.047739, 0.919598> <0.047739, 1.000000> <0.000000, 1.035176> open } object { Glas1 texture { Silver1 } scale <10, 10, 10> translate <-15, 0.001, 15> } object { Glas2 texture { Silver2 } scale <8, 8, 8> translate <0, 0.001, 15> } object { Glas3 texture { Silver3 } scale <10, 10, 10> translate <15, 0.001, 15> } object { Glas4 texture { Gold_Metal } scale <10, 10, 10> translate <-15, 0.001, 0> } object { Glas5 texture { Copper_Metal } scale <10, 10, 10> translate <0, 0.001, 0> } object { Glas6 texture { Bronze_Metal } scale <15, 15, 15> translate <15, 0.001, 0> }