Pythonによる米国株テクニカル分析と検証: -どのテクニカル指標が良い結果を出すのか過去データを検証しよう Satoshi (著) 形式: Kindle版 ASIN: B092LX6D25 発売日: 2021/4/14
Google Colab:
筆者の Youtube:
is_colab = 'google.colab' in str(get_ipython()) # for Google Colab
データを取り込むライブラリとして Alpha Vantage を無料で利用する。
API Key を入手:
Alpha Vantage API Documentation:
pypi Alpha Vantage API Documentation:
! pip -q install alpha_vantage
if not is_colab:
! pip -q install numpy matplotlib seaborn
if not is_colab:
! pip -q install scikit-learn
! pip -q install pandas
if not is_colab:
! pip -q install plotly
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier
from datetime import date
from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta
from dateutil import parser
import numpy as np
import math
from alpha_vantage.techindicators import TechIndicators
import as px
import plotly.figure_factory as ff
import plotly.graph_objects as go
import seaborn as sns'fivethirtyeight')
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = [24, 8]
symbol = "SNAP"
# symbol = "TWTR"
from alpha_vantage.timeseries import TimeSeries
from pprint import pprint
ti = TechIndicators(key=API_KEY, output_format='pandas')
ts = TimeSeries(key=API_KEY, output_format='pandas')
data, meta_data = ts.get_daily(symbol=symbol, outputsize='full')
data['Price_Up_From_PreviousDay'] = np.where(data['4. close'] > data['4. close'].shift(-1), 1, 0)
data['Today_Price_Up'] = np.where(data['4. close'] > data['1. open'], 1, 0)
data['Tomorrow_Price_Up'] = np.where(data['4. close'].shift(1) > data['4. close'], 1, 0)
data['Percentage'] = (data['4. close'] - data['4. close'].shift(-1)) / data['4. close'].shift(-1)
data['SomeDaysAfterClosingPrice'] = data['4. close'].shift(10) # X days later price
1. open | 2. high | 3. low | 4. close | 5. volume | Price_Up_From_PreviousDay | Today_Price_Up | Tomorrow_Price_Up | Percentage | SomeDaysAfterClosingPrice | |
date | ||||||||||
2022-04-13 | 33.66 | 34.92 | 33.3401 | 34.68 | 17181342.0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0.033065 | NaN |
2022-04-12 | 34.72 | 35.95 | 33.1900 | 33.57 | 19538493.0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | -0.024128 | NaN |
2022-04-11 | 34.65 | 35.75 | 34.0530 | 34.40 | 20890421.0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | -0.035604 | NaN |
2022-04-08 | 35.88 | 36.83 | 35.4100 | 35.67 | 21718400.0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | -0.016000 | NaN |
2022-04-07 | 36.39 | 37.30 | 34.5800 | 36.25 | 21490374.0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | -0.006032 | NaN |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
2017-03-08 | 22.03 | 23.43 | 21.3100 | 22.81 | 49834423.0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0.063899 | 21.82 |
2017-03-07 | 22.21 | 22.50 | 20.6400 | 21.44 | 71899652.0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | -0.098023 | 20.38 |
2017-03-06 | 28.17 | 28.25 | 23.7700 | 23.77 | 72938848.0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | -0.122554 | 19.93 |
2017-03-03 | 26.39 | 29.44 | 26.0600 | 27.09 | 148227379.0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0.106618 | 19.54 |
2017-03-02 | 24.00 | 26.05 | 23.5000 | 24.48 | 217109769.0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | NaN | 19.89 |
1290 rows × 10 columns
# Moving Average 5 and 20
dataSMA_short, meta_data_sma_short = ti.get_sma(symbol=symbol, time_period=5)
dataSMA_short.columns = ['SMA_short']
data = data.merge(dataSMA_short, left_index=True, right_index=True)
dataSMA_long, meta_data_sma_long = ti.get_sma(symbol=symbol, time_period=20)
dataSMA_long.columns = ['SMA_long']
data = data.merge(dataSMA_long, left_index=True, right_index=True)
data['SMATrend'] = np.where(data['SMA_short'] > data['SMA_long'], 1, 0) # Up trend is 1,, Down Trend is 0
data['GoldenCrossHappened'] = np.where(data['SMATrend'] > data['SMATrend'].shift(-1), 1, 0)
#pd.set_option('display.max_rows', None)
# theory 1
# we should see price up after seeing golden cross between SMA 5 and SMA20.
# this is giving as some days later price as example
turningPointChange = 0
priceActuallyUp = 0
for index, row in data.iterrows():
if row['GoldenCrossHappened'] == 1:
turningPointChange += 1
if row['4. close'] < row['SomeDaysAfterClosingPrice']:
priceActuallyUp += 1
print("Golden Cross Point: " + str(turningPointChange))
print("Actual Price Up: " + str(priceActuallyUp))
print("Percentage: " + str((priceActuallyUp/turningPointChange)*100) + "%")
def interactive_plot(df, title):
fig = px.line(title = title)
# Loop through each stock (while ignoring time columns with index 0)
for i in df.columns[:]:
if i == "4. close" or i == "SMA_short" or i == "SMA_long":
fig.add_scatter(x = df.index, y = df[i], name = i) # add a new Scatter trace
interactive_plot(data, 'Prices')
Golden Cross Point: 36 Actual Price Up: 18 Percentage: 50.0%
「価格の大半がボリンジャーバンド (幅) の中に収まる」が、バンドから離れた価格は10日後に戻るか?を検証する。
dataBB, meta_data_bb = ti.get_bbands(symbol=symbol)
data = data.merge(dataBB, left_index=True, right_index=True)
data['PriceBelowLowerBB'] = np.where(data['Real Lower Band'] > data['4. close'], 1, 0)
data['TouchDownOnLowerBBHappened'] = np.where(data['PriceBelowLowerBB'] > data['PriceBelowLowerBB'].shift(-1), 1, 0)
# theory 2
# we should see price up after reaching lower BB.
# this is giving as some days later price as example
turningPointChange = 0
priceActuallyUp = 0
for index, row in data.iterrows():
if row['TouchDownOnLowerBBHappened'] == 1:
turningPointChange += 1
if row['4. close'] < row['SomeDaysAfterClosingPrice']:
priceActuallyUp += 1
print("LowerBBTouched Point: " + str(turningPointChange))
print("Actual Price Up: " + str(priceActuallyUp))
print("Percentage: " + str((priceActuallyUp/turningPointChange)*100) + "%")
def interactive_plot(df, title):
fig = px.line(title = title)
# Loop through each stock (while ignoring time columns with index 0)
for i in df.columns[:]:
if i == "4. close" or i == "Real Middle Band" or i == "Real Upper Band" or i == "Real Lower Band":
fig.add_scatter(x = df.index, y = df[i], name = i) # add a new Scatter trace
interactive_plot(data, 'Prices')
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ValueError Traceback (most recent call last) Input In [14], in <cell line: 2>() 1 #BB ----> 2 dataBB, meta_data_bb = ti.get_bbands(symbol=symbol) 3 data = data.merge(dataBB, left_index=True, right_index=True) 4 data['PriceBelowLowerBB'] = np.where(data['Real Lower Band'] > data['4. close'], 1, 0) File D:\sys\Anaconda3\envs\stock\lib\site-packages\alpha_vantage\, in AlphaVantage._output_format.<locals>._format_wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs) 216 @wraps(func) 217 def _format_wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): --> 218 call_response, data_key, meta_data_key = func( 219 self, *args, **kwargs) 220 if 'json' in self.output_format.lower() or 'pandas' \ 221 in self.output_format.lower(): 222 if data_key is not None: File D:\sys\Anaconda3\envs\stock\lib\site-packages\alpha_vantage\, in AlphaVantage._call_api_on_func.<locals>._call_wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs) 158 else: 159 url = '{}{}'.format(url, apikey_parameter) --> 160 return self._handle_api_call(url), data_key, meta_data_key File D:\sys\Anaconda3\envs\stock\lib\site-packages\alpha_vantage\, in AlphaVantage._handle_api_call(self, url) 359 raise ValueError(json_response["Error Message"]) 360 elif "Information" in json_response and self.treat_info_as_error: --> 361 raise ValueError(json_response["Information"]) 362 elif "Note" in json_response and self.treat_info_as_error: 363 raise ValueError(json_response["Note"]) ValueError: Thank you for using Alpha Vantage! This is a premium endpoint and there are multiple ways to unlock premium endpoints: (1) become a holder of Alpha Vantage Coin (AVC), an Ethereum-based cryptocurrency that provides various utility & governance functions within the Alpha Vantage ecosystem (AVC mining guide: to unlock all premium endpoints, (2) subscribe to any of the premium plans at to instantly unlock all premium endpoints
dataRSI, meta_data_rsi = ti.get_rsi(symbol=symbol)
data = data.merge(dataRSI, left_index=True, right_index=True)
data['RSITouched30'] = np.where(data['RSI'] < 30, 1, 0)
data['TouchDownRSI30Happened'] = np.where(data['RSITouched30'] > data['RSITouched30'].shift(-1), 1, 0)
# theory 3
# we should see price up after reaching RSI30.
# this is giving as some days later price as example
turningPointChange = 0
priceActuallyUp = 0
for index, row in data.iterrows():
if row['TouchDownRSI30Happened'] == 1:
turningPointChange += 1
if row['4. close'] < row['SomeDaysAfterClosingPrice']:
priceActuallyUp += 1
print("Price Touch RSI30 Point: " + str(turningPointChange))
print("Actual Price Up: " + str(priceActuallyUp))
print("Percentage: " + str((priceActuallyUp/turningPointChange)*100) + "%")
Price Touch RSI30 Point: 12 Actual Price Up: 5 Percentage: 41.66666666666667%
MACD のラインがシグナルを抜いた上で、ヒストグラムも上昇である10日後に価格は上昇するか?
dataMACD, meta_data_macd = ti.get_macd(symbol=symbol, interval='daily')
data = data.merge(dataMACD, left_index=True, right_index=True)
data['MACDOverSignal'] = np.where(data['MACD'] > data['MACD_Signal'], 1, 0)
data['MACDHistUp'] = np.where(data['MACD_Hist'] > data['MACD_Hist'].shift(-2), 1, 0)
data['MACDOverSignalTrendHappened'] = np.where(data['MACDOverSignal'] > data['MACDOverSignal'].shift(-1), 1, 0)
data['MACDHistUpTrendHappened'] = np.where(data['MACDHistUp'] > data['MACDHistUp'].shift(-1), 1, 0)
data['MACDUpTrendHappened'] = np.where((data['MACDOverSignalTrendHappened'] == 1) & (data['MACDHistUpTrendHappened'] == 1), 1, 0)
# theory 4
# we should see price up after reaching MACD Trend is up.
# this is giving as some days later price as example
turningPointChange = 0
priceActuallyUp = 0
for index, row in data.iterrows():
if row['MACDUpTrendHappened'] == 1:
turningPointChange += 1
if row['4. close'] < row['SomeDaysAfterClosingPrice']:
priceActuallyUp += 1
print("MACD Uptrend Point: " + str(turningPointChange))
print("Actual Price Up: " + str(priceActuallyUp))
print("Percentage: " + str((priceActuallyUp/turningPointChange)*100) + "%")
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ValueError Traceback (most recent call last) Input In [16], in <cell line: 2>() 1 #MACD ----> 2 dataMACD, meta_data_macd = ti.get_macd(symbol=symbol, interval='daily') 3 data = data.merge(dataMACD, left_index=True, right_index=True) 4 data['MACDOverSignal'] = np.where(data['MACD'] > data['MACD_Signal'], 1, 0) File D:\sys\Anaconda3\envs\stock\lib\site-packages\alpha_vantage\, in AlphaVantage._output_format.<locals>._format_wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs) 216 @wraps(func) 217 def _format_wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): --> 218 call_response, data_key, meta_data_key = func( 219 self, *args, **kwargs) 220 if 'json' in self.output_format.lower() or 'pandas' \ 221 in self.output_format.lower(): 222 if data_key is not None: File D:\sys\Anaconda3\envs\stock\lib\site-packages\alpha_vantage\, in AlphaVantage._call_api_on_func.<locals>._call_wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs) 158 else: 159 url = '{}{}'.format(url, apikey_parameter) --> 160 return self._handle_api_call(url), data_key, meta_data_key File D:\sys\Anaconda3\envs\stock\lib\site-packages\alpha_vantage\, in AlphaVantage._handle_api_call(self, url) 359 raise ValueError(json_response["Error Message"]) 360 elif "Information" in json_response and self.treat_info_as_error: --> 361 raise ValueError(json_response["Information"]) 362 elif "Note" in json_response and self.treat_info_as_error: 363 raise ValueError(json_response["Note"]) ValueError: Thank you for using Alpha Vantage! This is a premium endpoint and there are multiple ways to unlock premium endpoints: (1) become a holder of Alpha Vantage Coin (AVC), an Ethereum-based cryptocurrency that provides various utility & governance functions within the Alpha Vantage ecosystem (AVC mining guide: to unlock all premium endpoints, (2) subscribe to any of the premium plans at to instantly unlock all premium endpoints
#Calendar data
# which week of day get higher price than previous day
data = data.sort_index(ascending=1)
count = {'Monday': 0, 'Tuesday': 0, 'Wednesday': 0, 'Thursday': 0,'Friday': 0}
for index, row in data.iterrows():
if index.day_name() == 'Monday' and int(row['Price_Up_From_PreviousDay']) == 1:
count['Monday'] += 1
elif index.day_name() == 'Tuesday' and int(row['Price_Up_From_PreviousDay']) == 1:
count['Tuesday'] += 1
elif index.day_name() == 'Wednesday' and int(row['Price_Up_From_PreviousDay']) == 1:
count['Wednesday'] += 1
elif index.day_name() == 'Thursday' and int(row['Price_Up_From_PreviousDay']) == 1:
count['Thursday'] += 1
elif index.day_name() == 'Friday' and int(row['Price_Up_From_PreviousDay']) == 1:
count['Friday'] += 1
{'Monday': 107, 'Tuesday': 123, 'Wednesday': 127, 'Thursday': 131, 'Friday': 136}
# Check which day of week get previous day and next day also got up
data = data.sort_index(ascending=1)
series_count = {'Monday': 0, 'Tuesday': 0, 'Wednesday': 0, 'Thursday': 0,'Friday': 0}
for index, row in data.iterrows():
if index.day_name() == 'Monday' and int(row['Price_Up_From_PreviousDay']) == 1 and int(row['Tomorrow_Price_Up']) == 1:
series_count['Monday'] += 1
elif index.day_name() == 'Tuesday' and int(row['Price_Up_From_PreviousDay']) == 1 and int(row['Tomorrow_Price_Up']) == 1:
series_count['Tuesday'] += 1
elif index.day_name() == 'Wednesday' and int(row['Price_Up_From_PreviousDay']) == 1 and int(row['Tomorrow_Price_Up']) == 1:
series_count['Wednesday'] += 1
elif index.day_name() == 'Thursday' and int(row['Price_Up_From_PreviousDay']) == 1 and int(row['Tomorrow_Price_Up']) == 1:
series_count['Thursday'] += 1
elif index.day_name() == 'Friday' and int(row['Price_Up_From_PreviousDay']) == 1 and int(row['Tomorrow_Price_Up']) == 1:
series_count['Friday'] += 1
{'Monday': 43, 'Tuesday': 59, 'Wednesday': 67, 'Thursday': 69, 'Friday': 68}
# which week of day get higher average raise
percentageUp = {'Monday': 0, 'Tuesday': 0, 'Wednesday': 0, 'Thursday': 0,'Friday': 0}
total = {'Monday': 0, 'Tuesday': 0, 'Wednesday': 0, 'Thursday': 0,'Friday': 0}
for index, row in data.iterrows():
if not math.isnan(row['Percentage']):
if index.day_name() == 'Monday':
percentageUp['Monday'] += row['Percentage']
total['Monday'] += 1
elif index.day_name() == 'Tuesday':
percentageUp['Tuesday'] += row['Percentage']
total['Tuesday'] += 1
elif index.day_name() == 'Wednesday':
percentageUp['Wednesday'] += row['Percentage']
total['Wednesday'] += 1
elif index.day_name() == 'Thursday':
percentageUp['Thursday'] += row['Percentage']
total['Thursday'] += 1
elif index.day_name() == 'Friday':
percentageUp['Friday'] += row['Percentage']
total['Friday'] += 1
percentageUp['Monday'] = percentageUp['Monday']/ total['Monday']*100
percentageUp['Tuesday'] = percentageUp['Tuesday']/ total['Tuesday']*100
percentageUp['Wednesday'] = percentageUp['Wednesday']/ total['Wednesday']*100
percentageUp['Thursday'] = percentageUp['Thursday']/ total['Thursday']*100
percentageUp['Friday'] = percentageUp['Friday']/ total['Friday']*100
{'Monday': -0.37827719589172787, 'Tuesday': 0.06393317369109724, 'Wednesday': 0.23639491887426275, 'Thursday': 0.08800158758023528, 'Friday': 0.6133976315548666}
3 % 以上上昇した曜日をカウントする。
# which week of day get more than 3% raise
total = {'Monday': 0, 'Tuesday': 0, 'Wednesday': 0, 'Thursday': 0,'Friday': 0}
for index, row in data.iterrows():
if not math.isnan(row['Percentage']) and row['Percentage'] > 0.03:
if index.day_name() == 'Monday':
total['Monday'] += 1
elif index.day_name() == 'Tuesday':
total['Tuesday'] += 1
elif index.day_name() == 'Wednesday':
total['Wednesday'] += 1
elif index.day_name() == 'Thursday':
total['Thursday'] += 1
elif index.day_name() == 'Friday':
total['Friday'] += 1
{'Monday': 33, 'Tuesday': 41, 'Wednesday': 42, 'Thursday': 46, 'Friday': 50}
# historically how many days in a row they got price-up
data = data.sort_index(ascending=1)
days = 0
max_days = 0
percentage= 0
maxPercentage = 0
recorded_index = ""
recorded_index_row = ""
for index, row in data.iterrows():
if not math.isnan(row['Percentage']):
if row['Price_Up_From_PreviousDay'] == 1:
days+= 1
if days > max_days:
max_days = days
recorded_index_row = index
percentage = row['Percentage']
if percentage > maxPercentage:
maxPercentage = percentage
recorded_index = index
days = 0
percentage = 0
print("how much percentage they got up " + str(maxPercentage))
print("how many days in row got up " + str(max_days))
2022-02-04 00:00:00 how much percentage they got up 0.5881632653061223 2020-06-23 00:00:00 how many days in row got up 8
# historically how many days in a row they got price-down
data = data.sort_index(ascending=1)
days = 0
max_days = 0
percentage= 0
maxPercentage = 0
recorded_index = ""
recorded_index_row = ""
for index, row in data.iterrows():
if not math.isnan(row['Percentage']):
if row['Price_Up_From_PreviousDay'] == 0:
days+= 1
if days > max_days:
max_days = days
recorded_index_row = index
percentage = row['Percentage']*-1
if percentage > maxPercentage:
maxPercentage = percentage
recorded_index = index
days = 0
percentage = 0
print("how much percentage they got down " + str(maxPercentage))
print("how many days in row got down " + str(max_days))
2021-10-22 00:00:00 how much percentage they got down 0.2658767141525762 2022-01-27 00:00:00 how many days in row got down 11