Make the python + GPU environment necessary to run the Deep Learning program.
Use tensorflow-gpu instead of tensorflow. Other than that, create the python environment in exactly the same way as "Python Environment for Deep Learning".
(base) C:\Users\nitta> conda create -n deep python=3.6 jupyter![]()
(gpu) C:\Users\nitta> conda activate deep![]()
(gpu) C:\Users\nitta> pip install --ignore-installed --upgrade tensorflow-gpu![]()
(gpu) C:\Users\nitta> pip install keras![]()
(gpu) C:\Users\nitta> pip install scipy scikit-learn pillow h5py matplotlib pandas![]()
(gpu) C:\Users\nitta> conda install opencv![]()
(gpu) C:\Users\nitta> pip install nltk![]()
(gpu) C:\Users\nitta> pip install gensim![]()