NtKinectDLL and NtUnity: Tutorial:

Using various functions of Kinect V2 on Unity (Fundamental Settings)

2017.08.19: created by
2017.08.23: revised by
2017.09.08: revised by
Japanese English
To Table of Contents

Prerequisite necessary items

It is assumed that the following softwares are installed. If the installation path is different, please read as appropriate.

Use DLL in Unity

Create a Unity project that uses Kinecdt V2 via NtKinectDLL.

  1. [Important] Compile the latest NtKinectDLL and create NtKinectDLL.dll. How to compile it is explained here. If the library path required for execution is the same as my compilation environment, you can also download the binary.
  2. For details on how to use DLL with Unity, we recommend that you read the official manual.
  3. Unity's C# data is managed which may be moved by the garbage collector. DLL's C++ data is unmanaged which is not moved by the garbage collector. In order to pass data between C# and C++, it is necessary to convert state by using the method of the C# System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal class.

    To pass data between C# and C++, use Blittable type variables.

  4. Start Unity's new project. Here, the project name is "NtKinectUnity".

  5. Place NtKinectDLL.h, NtKinectDLL.lib, NtKinectDLL.dll under Project's Assets/Plugins/x86_64/ . (2017/09/08 changed. Only NtKinectDLL.dll is needed)
  6. Copy NtKinectDLL.dll, NtKinectDLLlib from under NtKinectDLL/x64/Release/, and NtKinectDLL.h from under NtKinectDLL/NtKinectDLL/.

  7. Copy all Kinect V2 face recognition libraries under Project's Assets/Plugins/x86_64/.
  8. Copy all the files under the folder "$(KINECTSDK20_DIR)Redist\Face\x64\".

    [NOTICE] $(KINECTSDK20_DIR) is set to "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Kinect\v2.0_1409\" in my environment. Please change according to your own environment.

  9. Copy all Kinect V2 gesture recognition libraries under the Assets/Plugins/x86_64/ of the Project.
  10. copy all the files under the "$(KINECTSDK20_DIR)Redist\VGB\x64\".

    [NOTICE] $(KINECTSDK20_DIR) is set to "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Kinect\v2.0_1409\" in my environment. Please change according to your own environment.

  11. Create C# script under the Assets/Scripts/ of the Project.
  12. From the above menu -> "Assets" -> "Create" -> "C# Script"」 -> Filename is "NtUnity"

     * Copyright (c) 2017 Yoshihisa Nitta
     * Released under the MIT license
     * http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
     * NtUnity.cs version 1.2 2017/10/05
     *  http://nw.tsuda.ac.jp/lec/NtKinectDLL/
     * requires:
     *   NtKinectDLL version 1.2.4 or later
    using System.Collections;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using UnityEngine;
    using System;
    using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
    namespace NtUnity {
      public class Kinect {
        public const int
          // Number
          bodyCount = 6,
          jointCount = 25,
          rgbCols = 1920,
          rgbRows = 1080,
          depthCols = 512,
          depthRows = 424,
          // JointType
          JointType_SpineBase= 0,
          JointType_SpineMid= 1,
          JointType_Neck= 2,
          JointType_Head= 3,
          JointType_ShoulderLeft= 4,
          JointType_ElbowLeft= 5,
          JointType_WristLeft= 6,
          JointType_HandLeft= 7,
          JointType_ShoulderRight= 8,
          JointType_ElbowRight= 9,
          JointType_WristRight= 10,
          JointType_HandRight= 11,
          JointType_HipLeft= 12,
          JointType_KneeLeft= 13,
          JointType_AnkleLeft= 14,
          JointType_FootLeft= 15,
          JointType_HipRight= 16,
          JointType_KneeRight= 17,
          JointType_AnkleRight= 18,
          JointType_FootRight= 19,
          JointType_SpineShoulder= 20,
          JointType_HandTipLeft= 21,
          JointType_ThumbLeft= 22,
          JointType_HandTipRight= 23,
          JointType_ThumbRight= 24,
          // TrackingState
          TrackingState_NotTracked= 0,
          TrackingState_Inferred= 1,
          TrackingState_Tracked= 2,
          // FacePoint
          FacePointType_None= -1,
          FacePointType_EyeLeft= 0,
          FacePointType_EyeRight= 1,
          FacePointType_Nose= 2,
          FacePointType_MouthCornerLeft= 3,
          FacePointType_MouthCornerRight= 4,
          FacePointType_Count= ( FacePointType_MouthCornerRight + 1 ) ,
          // a_FaceProperty
          FaceProperty_Happy= 0,
          FaceProperty_Engaged= 1,
          FaceProperty_WearingGlasses= 2,
          FaceProperty_LeftEyeClosed= 3,
          FaceProperty_RightEyeClosed= 4,
          FaceProperty_MouthOpen= 5,
          FaceProperty_MouthMoved= 6,
          FaceProperty_LookingAway= 7,
          FaceProperty_Count= ( FaceProperty_LookingAway + 1 ) ,
          // FaceDetectionResult
          DetectionResult_Unknown= 0,
          DetectionResult_No= 1,
          DetectionResult_Maybe= 2,
          DetectionResult_Yes= 3,
          // HDFace
          HDFaceVerticesSize = 1347,
          // dummy
          NtKinectdummy = 0;
        [DllImport ("NtKinectDLL")] private static extern IntPtr getKinect();
        [DllImport ("NtKinectDLL")] private static extern void stopKinect(IntPtr ptr);
        // OpenCV
        [DllImport ("NtKinectDLL")] private static extern void imshow(IntPtr ptr);
        [DllImport ("NtKinectDLL")] private static extern void imshowBlack(IntPtr ptr);
        // CoordinateMapper
        [DllImport ("NtKinectDLL")] private static extern void mapCameraPointToColorSpace(IntPtr ptr,IntPtr sv,IntPtr cv,int n);
        [DllImport ("NtKinectDLL")] private static extern void mapCameraPointToDepthSpace(IntPtr ptr,IntPtr sv,IntPtr dv,int n);
        [DllImport ("NtKinectDLL")] private static extern void mapDepthPointToColorSpace(IntPtr ptr,IntPtr dv,IntPtr dth,IntPtr cv,int n);
        [DllImport ("NtKinectDLL")] private static extern void mapDepthPointToCameraSpace(IntPtr ptr,IntPtr dv,IntPtr dth,IntPtr sv,int n);
        // Multi Thread
        [DllImport ("NtKinectDLL")] private static extern void acquire(IntPtr ptr);
        [DllImport ("NtKinectDLL")] private static extern void release(IntPtr ptr);
        // Audio
        [DllImport ("NtKinectDLL")] private static extern void setAudio(IntPtr ptr, bool flag);
        [DllImport ("NtKinectDLL")] private static extern float getBeamAngle(IntPtr ptr);
        [DllImport ("NtKinectDLL")] private static extern float getBeamAngleConfidence(IntPtr ptr);
        [DllImport ("NtKinectDLL")] private static extern ulong getAudioTrackingId(IntPtr ptr);
        [DllImport ("NtKinectDLL")] private static extern void openAudio(IntPtr ptr, IntPtr filename);
        [DllImport ("NtKinectDLL")] private static extern void closeAudio(IntPtr ptr);
        [DllImport ("NtKinectDLL")] private static extern bool isOpenedAudio(IntPtr ptr);
        // RGB
        [DllImport ("NtKinectDLL")] private static extern void setRGB(IntPtr ptr);
        [DllImport ("NtKinectDLL")] private static extern int getRGB(IntPtr ptr, IntPtr data);
        // Depth
        [DllImport ("NtKinectDLL")] private static extern void setDepth(IntPtr ptr);
        [DllImport ("NtKinectDLL")] private static extern int getDepth(IntPtr ptr, IntPtr data);
        // Infrared
        [DllImport ("NtKinectDLL")] private static extern void setInfrared(IntPtr ptr);
        [DllImport ("NtKinectDLL")] private static extern int getInfrared(IntPtr ptr, IntPtr data);
        // BodyIndex
        [DllImport ("NtKinectDLL")] private static extern void setBodyIndex(IntPtr ptr);
        [DllImport ("NtKinectDLL")] private static extern int getBodyIndex(IntPtr ptr, IntPtr data);
        // Skeleton
        [DllImport ("NtKinectDLL")] private static extern void setSkeleton(IntPtr ptr);
        [DllImport ("NtKinectDLL")] private static extern int getSkeleton(IntPtr ptr, IntPtr skelton, IntPtr state, IntPtr id, IntPtr tid);
        [DllImport ("NtKinectDLL")] private static extern int handState(IntPtr ptr,int id,bool isLeft);
        // Face
        [DllImport ("NtKinectDLL")] private static extern void setFace(IntPtr ptr, bool isColorSpace);
        [DllImport ("NtKinectDLL")] private static extern int getFace(IntPtr ptr, IntPtr point,IntPtr rect,IntPtr direction,IntPtr property,IntPtr tid);
        // HDFace
        [DllImport ("NtKinectDLL")] private static extern void setHDFace(IntPtr ptr);
        [DllImport ("NtKinectDLL")] private static extern int getHDFace(IntPtr ptr, IntPtr point, IntPtr tid, IntPtr status);
        // Gesture
        [DllImport ("NtKinectDLL")] private static extern void setGestureFile(IntPtr ptr, IntPtr filename);
        [DllImport ("NtKinectDLL")] private static extern int setGestureId(IntPtr ptr, IntPtr name, int id); // id: non-zero
        [DllImport ("NtKinectDLL")] private static extern void setGesture(IntPtr ptr);
        [DllImport ("NtKinectDLL")] private static extern int getDiscreteGesture(IntPtr ptr, IntPtr gid, IntPtr confidence, IntPtr tid);
        [DllImport ("NtKinectDLL")] private static extern int getContinuousGesture(IntPtr ptr, IntPtr gid, IntPtr progress, IntPtr tid);
        [DllImport ("NtKinectDLL")] private static extern int getGidMapSize();
        // Video
        [DllImport ("NtKinectDLL")] private static extern void openVideo(IntPtr ptr, IntPtr filename);
        [DllImport ("NtKinectDLL")] private static extern void writeVideo(IntPtr ptr);
        [DllImport ("NtKinectDLL")] private static extern void closeVideo(IntPtr ptr);
        private IntPtr kinect;
        //public Vector3[] joint = new Vector3[jointCount];
        //public int[] jointState = new int[jointCount];
        // audio
        public float beamAngle;
        public float beamAngleConfidence;
        public ulong audioTrackingId;
        // images
        public Color32[] rgbImage;
        public ushort[] depthImage;
        public ushort[] infraredImage;
        public byte[] bodyIndexImage;
        // skeleton
        public List<List<Vector3>> skeleton;
        public List<List<int>> skeletonState;
        public List<int> skeletonId;
        public List<ulong> skeletonTrackingId;
        // skeleton (internal)
        private float[] skel;
        private int[] skelState;
        private int[] skelId;
        private ulong[] skelTrackingId;
        // face
        public List<List<Vector2>> facePoint;
        public List<Vector4> faceRect;
        public List<Vector3> faceDirection;
        public List<List<int>> faceProperty;
        public List<ulong> faceTrackingId;
        // face (internal)
        private float[] fcPoint;
        private float[] fcRect;
        private float[] fcDirection;
        private int[] fcProperty;
        private ulong[] fcTrackingId;
        // hdface
        public List<List<Vector3>> hdfacePoint;
        public List<ulong> hdfaceTrackingId;
        public List<int> hdfaceStatus;
        // hdface (internal)
        private float[] hdfcPoint;
        private ulong[] hdfcTrackingId;
        private int[] hdfcStatus;
        // gesture
        public List<int> discreteGesture;
        public List<float> gestureConfidence;
        public List<ulong> discreteGestureTrackingId;
        public List<int> continuousGesture;
        public List<float> gestureProgress;
        public List<ulong> continuousGestureTrackingId;
        // gesture (internal)
        private int[] gstId;
        private float[] gstFloat;
        private ulong[] gstTrackingId;
        public Kinect() {
          kinect = getKinect();
          //rgbImage = new byte[rgbRows * rgbCols * 4];
          rgbImage = new Color32[rgbRows * rgbCols];
          depthImage = new ushort[depthRows * depthCols];
          infraredImage = new ushort[depthRows * depthCols];
          bodyIndexImage = new byte[depthRows * depthCols];
          skeleton = new List<List<Vector3>>();
          skeletonState = new List<List<int>>();
          skeletonId = new List<int>();
          skeletonTrackingId = new List<ulong>();
          skel = new float[bodyCount * jointCount * 3];
          skelState = new int[bodyCount * jointCount];
          skelId = new int[bodyCount];
          skelTrackingId = new ulong[bodyCount];
          facePoint = new List<List<Vector2>>();
          faceRect = new List<Vector4>();
          faceDirection = new List<Vector3>();
          faceProperty = new List<List<int>>();
          faceTrackingId = new List<ulong>();
          fcPoint = new float[bodyCount * FacePointType_Count * 3];
          fcRect = new float[bodyCount * 4];
          fcDirection = new float[bodyCount * 3];
          fcProperty = new int[bodyCount * FaceProperty_Count];
          fcTrackingId = new ulong[bodyCount];
          hdfacePoint = new List<List<Vector3>>();
          hdfaceTrackingId = new List<ulong>();
          hdfaceStatus = new List<int>();
          hdfcPoint = new float[bodyCount * HDFaceVerticesSize * 3];
          hdfcTrackingId = new ulong[bodyCount];
          hdfcStatus = new int[bodyCount * 2];
          discreteGesture = new List<int>();
          gestureConfidence = new List<float>();
          discreteGestureTrackingId = new List<ulong>();
          continuousGesture = new List<int>();
          gestureProgress = new List<float>();
          continuousGestureTrackingId = new List<ulong>();
          gstId = new int[bodyCount * 100];
          gstFloat = new float[bodyCount * 100];
          gstTrackingId = new ulong[bodyCount * 100];
        public void stopKinect() { stopKinect(kinect); }
        // OpenCV
        public void imshow() { imshow(kinect); }
        public void imshowBlack() { imshowBlack(kinect); }
        // coordinateMapper
        public void mapCameraPointToColorSpace(List<Vector3> skel,ref List<Vector2> color,int n) {
          float[] sv = new float[n * 3];
          float[] cv = new float[n * 2];
          for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
    	sv[3*i] = skel[i].x; sv[3*i+1] = skel[i].y; sv[3*i+2] = skel[i].z;
          GCHandle gch = GCHandle.Alloc(sv,GCHandleType.Pinned);
          GCHandle gch2 = GCHandle.Alloc(cv,GCHandleType.Pinned);
          for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
    	color.Add(new Vector2(cv[2*i],cv[2*i+1]));
        public void mapCameraPointToDepthSpace(List<Vector3> skel, ref List<Vector2> depth, int n) {
          float[] sv = new float[n * 3];
          float[] dv = new float[n * 2];
          for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
    	sv[3*i] = skel[i].x; sv[3*i+1] = skel[i].y; sv[3*i+2] = skel[i].z;
          GCHandle gch = GCHandle.Alloc(sv,GCHandleType.Pinned);
          GCHandle gch2 = GCHandle.Alloc(dv,GCHandleType.Pinned);
          mapCameraPointToDepthSpace(kinect,gch.AddrOfPinnedObject(),gch2.AddrOfPinnedObject(), n);
          for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
    	depth.Add(new Vector2(dv[2*i],dv[2*i+1]));
        public void mapDepthPointToColorSpace(List<Vector2> depth,ushort[] dth,ref List<Vector2> color,int n) {
          float[] dv = new float[n * 2];
          float[] cv = new float[n * 2];
          for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
    	dv[2*i] = depth[i].x; dv[2*i+1] = depth[i].y;
          GCHandle gch = GCHandle.Alloc(dv,GCHandleType.Pinned);
          GCHandle gch2 = GCHandle.Alloc(dth,GCHandleType.Pinned);
          GCHandle gch3 = GCHandle.Alloc(cv,GCHandleType.Pinned);
          mapDepthPointToColorSpace(kinect,gch.AddrOfPinnedObject(),gch2.AddrOfPinnedObject(),gch3.AddrOfPinnedObject(), n);
          for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
    	color.Add(new Vector2(cv[2*i],dv[2*i+1]));
        void mapDepthPointToCameraSpace(List<Vector2> depth,ushort[] dth,ref List<Vector3> skel,int n) {
          float[] dv = new float[n * 2];
          float[] sv = new float[n * 3];
          for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
    	dv[2*i] = depth[i].x; dv[2*i+1] = depth[i].y;
          GCHandle gch = GCHandle.Alloc(dv,GCHandleType.Pinned);
          GCHandle gch2 = GCHandle.Alloc(dth,GCHandleType.Pinned);
          GCHandle gch3 = GCHandle.Alloc(sv,GCHandleType.Pinned);
          for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
    	skel.Add(new Vector3(sv[3*i],sv[3*i+1],sv[3*i+2]));
        // Multi Thread
        public void acquire() { acquire(kinect); }
        public void release() { release(kinect); }
        // Audio
        public void setAudio(bool flag) {
          beamAngle = getBeamAngle(kinect);
          beamAngleConfidence = getBeamAngleConfidence(kinect);
          audioTrackingId = getAudioTrackingId(kinect);
        public float getBeamAngle() { return getBeamAngle(kinect); }
        public float getBeamAngleConfidence() { return getBeamAngleConfidence(kinect); }
        public void openAudio(string filename) {
          System.IntPtr fname = Marshal.StringToHGlobalUni(filename);
        public void closeAudio() { closeAudio(kinect); }
        public bool isOpenedAudio() { return isOpenedAudio(kinect); }
        // RGB
        public void setRGB() { setRGB(kinect); getRGB2(); }
        public int getRGB2() {
          GCHandle gch = GCHandle.Alloc(rgbImage,GCHandleType.Pinned);
          int n = getRGB(kinect,gch.AddrOfPinnedObject());
          return n;
        // Depth
        public void setDepth() { setDepth(kinect); getDepth(); }
        public int getDepth() {
          GCHandle gch = GCHandle.Alloc(depthImage,GCHandleType.Pinned);
          int n = getDepth(kinect,gch.AddrOfPinnedObject());
          return n;
        // Infrared
        public void setInfrared() { setInfrared(kinect); getInfrared(); }
        public int getInfrared() {
          GCHandle gch = GCHandle.Alloc(infraredImage,GCHandleType.Pinned);
          int n = getInfrared(kinect,gch.AddrOfPinnedObject());
          return n;
        // BodyIndex
        public void setBodyIndex() {setBodyIndex(kinect); getBodyIndex(); }
        public int getBodyIndex() {
          GCHandle gch = GCHandle.Alloc(bodyIndexImage,GCHandleType.Pinned);
          int n = getBodyIndex(kinect,gch.AddrOfPinnedObject());
          return n;
        // Skeleton
        public void setSkeleton() { setSkeleton(kinect); getSkeleton(); }
        public int getSkeleton() {
          GCHandle gch = GCHandle.Alloc(skel,GCHandleType.Pinned);
          GCHandle gch2 = GCHandle.Alloc(skelState,GCHandleType.Pinned);
          GCHandle gch3 = GCHandle.Alloc(skelId,GCHandleType.Pinned);
          GCHandle gch4 = GCHandle.Alloc(skelTrackingId,GCHandleType.Pinned);
          int n = getSkeleton(kinect,gch.AddrOfPinnedObject(),gch2.AddrOfPinnedObject(),gch3.AddrOfPinnedObject(),gch4.AddrOfPinnedObject());
          skeleton.Clear(); skeletonState.Clear(); skeletonId.Clear(); skeletonTrackingId.Clear();
          int idx = 0, st=0;
          for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
    	skeleton.Add(new List<Vector3>());
    	skeletonState.Add(new List<int>());
    	for (int j=0; j<jointCount; j++) {
    	  skeleton[i].Add(new Vector3(skel[idx++], skel[idx++], skel[idx++]));
          return n;
        private int faceFailCount = 0;
        // Face
        public void setFace() { setFace(kinect,true); getFace(); }
        public int getFace() {
          GCHandle gch = GCHandle.Alloc(fcPoint,GCHandleType.Pinned);
          GCHandle gch2 = GCHandle.Alloc(fcRect,GCHandleType.Pinned);
          GCHandle gch3 = GCHandle.Alloc(fcDirection,GCHandleType.Pinned);
          GCHandle gch4 = GCHandle.Alloc(fcProperty,GCHandleType.Pinned);
          GCHandle gch5 = GCHandle.Alloc(fcTrackingId,GCHandleType.Pinned);
          int n = getFace(kinect,gch.AddrOfPinnedObject(),gch2.AddrOfPinnedObject(),gch3.AddrOfPinnedObject(),gch4.AddrOfPinnedObject(),gch5.AddrOfPinnedObject());
          if (n == 0) {
    	if (faceFailCount < 10) {
    	  return 0;
    	} else {
    	  faceFailCount = 0;
          facePoint.Clear(); faceRect.Clear(); faceDirection.Clear(); faceProperty.Clear(); faceTrackingId.Clear();
          int idx=0, ridx=0, didx=0, pidx = 0;
          for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
    	facePoint.Add(new List<Vector2>());
    	for (int j=0; j<FacePointType_Count; j++) {
    	  facePoint[i].Add(new Vector2(fcPoint[idx++],fcPoint[idx++]));
    	faceRect.Add(new Vector4(fcRect[ridx++],fcRect[ridx++],fcRect[ridx++],fcRect[ridx++]));
    	faceDirection.Add(new Vector3(fcDirection[didx++],fcDirection[didx++],fcDirection[didx++]));
    	faceProperty.Add(new List<int>());
    	for (int j=0; j<FaceProperty_Count; j++) {
          return n;
        public Vector3 getFaceDirectionByTrackingId(ulong tid) {
          for (int i=0; i<faceTrackingId.Count; i++) {
    	if (faceTrackingId[i] == tid) {
    	  return faceDirection[i];
          return Vector3.zero;
        // HDFace
        public void setHDFace() { setHDFace(kinect); getHDFace(); }
        public int getHDFace() {
          GCHandle gch = GCHandle.Alloc(hdfcPoint,GCHandleType.Pinned);
          GCHandle gch2 = GCHandle.Alloc(hdfcTrackingId,GCHandleType.Pinned);
          GCHandle gch3 = GCHandle.Alloc(hdfcStatus,GCHandleType.Pinned);
          int n = getHDFace(kinect,gch.AddrOfPinnedObject(),gch2.AddrOfPinnedObject(),gch3.AddrOfPinnedObject());
          hdfacePoint.Clear(); hdfaceTrackingId.Clear(); hdfaceStatus.Clear();
          int idx = 0;
          for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
    	hdfacePoint.Add(new List<Vector3>());
    	for (int j=0; j < HDFaceVerticesSize; j++) {
    	  hdfacePoint[i].Add(new Vector3(hdfcPoint[idx++],hdfcPoint[idx++],hdfcPoint[idx++]));
          return n;
        // Gesture
        public void setGestureFile(string filename) {
          IntPtr gbd = Marshal.StringToHGlobalUni(filename);
        public int setGestureId(string name, int id) {
          System.IntPtr g = Marshal.StringToHGlobalUni(name); // discrete
          int n = setGestureId(kinect,g,id);
          return n;
        public void setGesture() { setGesture(kinect); }
        public int getDiscreteGesture() {
          int size = bodyCount * getGidMapSize();
          if (gstId.Length < size) {
    	gstId = new int[size];
    	gstFloat = new float[size];
    	gstTrackingId = new ulong[size];
          GCHandle gch = GCHandle.Alloc(gstId,GCHandleType.Pinned);
          GCHandle gch2 = GCHandle.Alloc(gstFloat,GCHandleType.Pinned);
          GCHandle gch3 = GCHandle.Alloc(gstTrackingId,GCHandleType.Pinned);
          int n = getDiscreteGesture(kinect,gch.AddrOfPinnedObject(),gch2.AddrOfPinnedObject(),gch3.AddrOfPinnedObject());
          discreteGesture.Clear(); gestureConfidence.Clear(); discreteGestureTrackingId.Clear();
          for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
          return n;
        public int getContinuousGesture() {
          int size = bodyCount * getGidMapSize();
          if (gstId.Length < size) {
    	gstId = new int[size];
    	gstFloat = new float[size];
    	gstTrackingId = new ulong[size];
          GCHandle gch = GCHandle.Alloc(gstId,GCHandleType.Pinned);
          GCHandle gch2 = GCHandle.Alloc(gstFloat,GCHandleType.Pinned);
          GCHandle gch3 = GCHandle.Alloc(gstTrackingId,GCHandleType.Pinned);
          int n = getContinuousGesture(kinect,gch.AddrOfPinnedObject(),gch2.AddrOfPinnedObject(),gch3.AddrOfPinnedObject());
          continuousGesture.Clear(); gestureProgress.Clear(); continuousGestureTrackingId.Clear();
          for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
          return n;
        // Video
        public void openVideo(string filename) {
          IntPtr str = Marshal.StringToHGlobalUni(filename);
        public void writeVideo() { writeVideo(kinect); }
        public void closeVideo() { closeVideo(kinect); }
      public class RigBone {
        public GameObject gameObject;
        public HumanBodyBones bone;
        public bool isValid;
        public Transform transform {
          get { return animator.GetBoneTransform(bone); }
        Animator animator;
        Quaternion savedLocalRotation;
        Quaternion savedRotation;
        public RigBone(GameObject g, HumanBodyBones b) {
          gameObject = g;
          bone = b;
          isValid = false;
          animator = gameObject.GetComponent<Animator>();
          if (animator == null) {
    	Debug.Log("no Animator Component");
          Avatar avatar = animator.avatar;
          if (avatar == null || !avatar.isHuman || !avatar.isValid) {
    	Debug.Log("Avatar is not Humanoid or it is not valid");
          if (animator.GetBoneTransform(bone) == null) {
    	Debug.Log("bone " + bone + " is note assigned in "+g);
          isValid = true;
          savedLocalRotation = animator.GetBoneTransform(bone).localRotation;
          savedRotation = animator.GetBoneTransform(bone).rotation;
        public void set(float a, float x, float y, float z) {
          set(Quaternion.AngleAxis(a, new Vector3(x,y,z)));
        public void set(Quaternion q) {
          animator.GetBoneTransform(bone).localRotation = q;
          savedLocalRotation = q;
        public void mul(float a, float x, float y, float z) {
          mul(Quaternion.AngleAxis(a, new Vector3(x,y,z)));
        public void mul(Quaternion q) {
          Transform tr = animator.GetBoneTransform(bone);
          tr.localRotation = q * tr.localRotation;
        public void offset(float a, float x, float y, float z) {
          offset(Quaternion.AngleAxis(a, new Vector3(x,y,z)));
        public void offset(Quaternion q) {
          animator.GetBoneTransform(bone).localRotation = q * savedLocalRotation;
        public void gset(float a, float x, float y, float z) {
          gset(Quaternion.AngleAxis(a, new Vector3(x,y,z)));
        public void gset(Quaternion q) {
          animator.GetBoneTransform(bone).rotation = q;
          savedLocalRotation = q;
        public void gmul(float a, float x, float y, float z) {
          gmul(Quaternion.AngleAxis(a, new Vector3(x,y,z)));
        public void gmul(Quaternion q) {
          Transform tr = animator.GetBoneTransform(bone);
          tr.rotation = q * tr.rotation;
        public void goffset(float a, float x, float y, float z) {
          goffset(Quaternion.AngleAxis(a, new Vector3(x,y,z)));
        public void goffset(Quaternion q) {
          animator.GetBoneTransform(bone).rotation = q * savedRotation;
        public void changeBone(HumanBodyBones b) {
          bone = b;
          savedLocalRotation = animator.GetBoneTransform(bone).localRotation;
          savedRotation = animator.GetBoneTransform(bone).rotation;
      class HumanoidSkeleton {
        protected static int[] jointSegment = new int[] {
          Kinect.JointType_SpineBase, Kinect.JointType_SpineMid,             // Spine
          Kinect.JointType_Neck, Kinect.JointType_Head,                      // Neck
          // left
          Kinect.JointType_ShoulderLeft, Kinect.JointType_ElbowLeft,         // LeftUpperArm
          Kinect.JointType_ElbowLeft, Kinect.JointType_WristLeft,            // LeftLowerArm
          Kinect.JointType_WristLeft, Kinect.JointType_HandLeft,             // LeftHand
          Kinect.JointType_HipLeft, Kinect.JointType_KneeLeft,               // LeftUpperLeg
          Kinect.JointType_KneeLeft, Kinect.JointType_AnkleLeft,             // LeftLowerLeg6
          Kinect.JointType_AnkleLeft, Kinect.JointType_FootLeft,             // LeftFoot
          // right
          Kinect.JointType_ShoulderRight, Kinect.JointType_ElbowRight,       // RightUpperArm
          Kinect.JointType_ElbowRight, Kinect.JointType_WristRight,          // RightLowerArm
          Kinect.JointType_WristRight, Kinect.JointType_HandRight,           // RightHand
          Kinect.JointType_HipRight, Kinect.JointType_KneeRight,             // RightUpperLeg
          Kinect.JointType_KneeRight, Kinect.JointType_AnkleRight,           // RightLowerLeg
          Kinect.JointType_AnkleRight, Kinect.JointType_FootRight,           // RightFoot
        public Vector3[] joint = new Vector3[Kinect.jointCount];
        public int[] jointState = new int[Kinect.jointCount];
        protected Dictionary<HumanBodyBones,Vector3> trackingSegment = null;
        protected Dictionary<HumanBodyBones, int>  trackingState = null;
        protected static HumanBodyBones[] humanBone = new HumanBodyBones[] {
        protected static HumanBodyBones[] targetBone = new HumanBodyBones[] {
        public GameObject humanoid;
        protected Dictionary<HumanBodyBones, RigBone> rigBone = null;
        protected bool isSavedPosition = false;
        protected Vector3 savedPosition;
        protected Quaternion savedHumanoidRotation;
        public HumanoidSkeleton(GameObject h) {
          humanoid = h;
          rigBone = new Dictionary<HumanBodyBones, RigBone>();
          foreach (HumanBodyBones bone in humanBone) {
    	rigBone[bone] = new RigBone(humanoid,bone);
          savedHumanoidRotation = humanoid.transform.rotation;
          trackingSegment = new Dictionary<HumanBodyBones,Vector3>(targetBone.Length);
          trackingState = new Dictionary<HumanBodyBones, int>(targetBone.Length);
        protected void swapJoint(int a, int b) {
          Vector3 tmp = joint[a]; joint[a] = joint[b]; joint[b] = tmp;
          int t = jointState[a]; jointState[a] = jointState[b]; jointState[b] = t;
        public void set(Kinect kinect, int n, bool mirrored = false, bool move=false, bool headMove=true) {
          Vector3 faceDir = kinect.getFaceDirectionByTrackingId(kinect.skeletonTrackingId[n]);
          if (isSavedPosition == false
    	  && kinect.skeletonState[n][Kinect.JointType_SpineBase] != Kinect.TrackingState_NotTracked) {
    	isSavedPosition = true;
    	savedPosition = kinect.skeleton[n][Kinect.JointType_SpineBase];
          for (int i=0; i<kinect.skeleton[n].Count; i++) {
    	Vector3 jt = kinect.skeleton[n][i];
    	if (mirrored) {
    	  joint[i] = new Vector3(-jt.x, jt.y, -jt.z);
    	} else {
    	  joint[i] = new Vector3(jt.x, jt.y, savedPosition.z*2 - jt.z);
    	jointState[i] = kinect.skeletonState[n][i];
          if (mirrored) {
    	swapJoint(Kinect.JointType_ShoulderLeft, Kinect.JointType_ShoulderRight);
    	swapJoint(Kinect.JointType_ElbowLeft, Kinect.JointType_ElbowRight);
    	swapJoint(Kinect.JointType_WristLeft, Kinect.JointType_WristRight);
    	swapJoint(Kinect.JointType_HandLeft, Kinect.JointType_HandRight);
    	swapJoint(Kinect.JointType_HipLeft, Kinect.JointType_HipRight);
    	swapJoint(Kinect.JointType_KneeLeft, Kinect.JointType_KneeRight);
    	swapJoint(Kinect.JointType_AnkleLeft, Kinect.JointType_AnkleRight);
    	swapJoint(Kinect.JointType_FootLeft, Kinect.JointType_FootRight);
    	swapJoint(Kinect.JointType_HandTipLeft, Kinect.JointType_HandTipRight);
    	swapJoint(Kinect.JointType_ThumbLeft, Kinect.JointType_ThumbRight);
          for (int i=0; i<targetBone.Length; i++) {
    	int s = jointSegment[2*i], e = jointSegment[2*i+1];
    	trackingSegment[targetBone[i]] = joint[e] - joint[s];
    	trackingState[targetBone[i]] = System.Math.Min(jointState[e],jointState[s]);
          Vector3 waist = joint[Kinect.JointType_HipRight] - joint[Kinect.JointType_HipLeft];
          waist = new Vector3(waist.x, 0, waist.z);
          Quaternion rot = Quaternion.FromToRotation(Vector3.right,waist);
          Quaternion rotInv = Quaternion.Inverse(rot);
          Vector3 shoulder = joint[Kinect.JointType_ShoulderRight] - joint[Kinect.JointType_ShoulderLeft];
          shoulder = new Vector3(shoulder.x, 0, shoulder.z);
          //Quaternion srot = Quaternion.FromToRotation(Vector3.right,shoulder);
          //Quaternion srotInv = Quaternion.Inverse(srot);
          humanoid.transform.rotation = Quaternion.identity;
          //humanoid.transform.rotation = savedHumanoidRotation;
          foreach (HumanBodyBones bone in targetBone) {
    	if (rigBone[bone].isValid && trackingState[bone] != Kinect.TrackingState_NotTracked) {
    	  rigBone[bone].transform.rotation = rotInv * Quaternion.FromToRotation(Vector3.up,trackingSegment[bone]);
          if (headMove && faceDir.magnitude > 1e-6) {
    	float pitch = faceDir.x, yaw = faceDir.y, roll = faceDir.z;
    	if (mirrored) {
    	  pitch = -pitch;
    	  roll = -roll;
    	} else {
    	  pitch = -pitch;
    	  yaw = -yaw;
    	rigBone[HumanBodyBones.Head].transform.rotation = Util.toQ(pitch, yaw, roll);
          Quaternion bodyRot = rot;
          if (mirrored) {
    	bodyRot = Quaternion.AngleAxis(180,Vector3.up) * bodyRot;
          humanoid.transform.rotation = bodyRot;
          if (move == true) {
    	Vector3 m = joint[Kinect.JointType_SpineBase];
    	if (mirrored) m = new Vector3(-m.x, m.y, -m.z);
    	humanoid.transform.position = m;
      class Util {
        public static Quaternion toQ (float pitch, float yaw, float roll) {
          yaw *= Mathf.Deg2Rad;
          pitch *= Mathf.Deg2Rad;
          roll *= Mathf.Deg2Rad;
          float rollOver2 = roll * 0.5f;
          float sinRollOver2 = (float)System.Math.Sin ((double)rollOver2);
          float cosRollOver2 = (float)System.Math.Cos ((double)rollOver2);
          float pitchOver2 = pitch * 0.5f;
          float sinPitchOver2 = (float)System.Math.Sin ((double)pitchOver2);
          float cosPitchOver2 = (float)System.Math.Cos ((double)pitchOver2);
          float yawOver2 = yaw * 0.5f;
          float sinYawOver2 = (float)System.Math.Sin ((double)yawOver2);
          float cosYawOver2 = (float)System.Math.Cos ((double)yawOver2);
          Quaternion result;
          result.w = cosYawOver2 * cosPitchOver2 * cosRollOver2 + sinYawOver2 * sinPitchOver2 * sinRollOver2;
          result.x = cosYawOver2 * sinPitchOver2 * cosRollOver2 + sinYawOver2 * cosPitchOver2 * sinRollOver2;
          result.y = sinYawOver2 * cosPitchOver2 * cosRollOver2 - cosYawOver2 * sinPitchOver2 * sinRollOver2;
          result.z = cosYawOver2 * cosPitchOver2 * sinRollOver2 - sinYawOver2 * sinPitchOver2 * cosRollOver2;
          return result;
      class UnityChanSkeleton: HumanoidSkeleton {
        new protected static int[] jointSegment = new int[] {
          // left
          Kinect.JointType_ShoulderLeft, Kinect.JointType_ElbowLeft,         // LeftUpperArm
          Kinect.JointType_ElbowLeft, Kinect.JointType_WristLeft,            // LeftLowerArm
          Kinect.JointType_WristLeft, Kinect.JointType_HandLeft,             // LeftHand
          Kinect.JointType_HipLeft, Kinect.JointType_KneeLeft,               // LeftUpperLeg
          Kinect.JointType_KneeLeft, Kinect.JointType_AnkleLeft,             // LeftLowerLeg6
          Kinect.JointType_AnkleLeft, Kinect.JointType_FootLeft,             // LeftFoot
          // right
          Kinect.JointType_ShoulderRight, Kinect.JointType_ElbowRight,       // RightUpperArm
          Kinect.JointType_ElbowRight, Kinect.JointType_WristRight,          // RightLowerArm
          Kinect.JointType_WristRight, Kinect.JointType_HandRight,           // RightHand
          Kinect.JointType_HipRight, Kinect.JointType_KneeRight,             // RightUpperLeg
          Kinect.JointType_KneeRight, Kinect.JointType_AnkleRight,           // RightLowerLeg
          Kinect.JointType_AnkleRight, Kinect.JointType_FootRight,           // RightFoot
        new protected static HumanBodyBones[] targetBone = new HumanBodyBones[] {
        public UnityChanSkeleton(GameObject h):base(h) {}
        new public void set(Kinect kinect, int n, bool mirrored=false, bool move=false, bool headMove=false) {
          Vector3 faceDir = kinect.getFaceDirectionByTrackingId(kinect.skeletonTrackingId[n]);
          if (isSavedPosition == false
    	  && kinect.skeletonState[n][Kinect.JointType_SpineBase] != Kinect.TrackingState_NotTracked) {
    	isSavedPosition = true;
    	savedPosition = kinect.skeleton[n][Kinect.JointType_SpineBase];
          for (int i=0; i<kinect.skeleton[n].Count; i++) {
    	Vector3 jt = kinect.skeleton[n][i];
    	if (mirrored) {
    	  joint[i] = new Vector3(-jt.x, jt.y, -jt.z);
    	} else {
    	  joint[i] = new Vector3(jt.x, jt.y, savedPosition.z*2 - jt.z);
    	jointState[i] = kinect.skeletonState[n][i];
          if (mirrored) {
    	swapJoint(Kinect.JointType_ShoulderLeft, Kinect.JointType_ShoulderRight);
    	swapJoint(Kinect.JointType_ElbowLeft, Kinect.JointType_ElbowRight);
    	swapJoint(Kinect.JointType_WristLeft, Kinect.JointType_WristRight);
    	swapJoint(Kinect.JointType_HandLeft, Kinect.JointType_HandRight);
    	swapJoint(Kinect.JointType_HipLeft, Kinect.JointType_HipRight);
    	swapJoint(Kinect.JointType_KneeLeft, Kinect.JointType_KneeRight);
    	swapJoint(Kinect.JointType_AnkleLeft, Kinect.JointType_AnkleRight);
    	swapJoint(Kinect.JointType_FootLeft, Kinect.JointType_FootRight);
    	swapJoint(Kinect.JointType_HandTipLeft, Kinect.JointType_HandTipRight);
    	swapJoint(Kinect.JointType_ThumbLeft, Kinect.JointType_ThumbRight);
          for (int i=0; i<targetBone.Length; i++) {
    	int s = jointSegment[2*i], e = jointSegment[2*i+1];
    	trackingSegment[targetBone[i]] = joint[e] - joint[s];
    	trackingState[targetBone[i]] = System.Math.Min(jointState[e],jointState[s]);
          savedHumanoidRotation = humanoid.transform.rotation;
          humanoid.transform.rotation = Quaternion.identity;
          Vector3 waist = joint[Kinect.JointType_HipRight] - joint[Kinect.JointType_HipLeft];
          waist = new Vector3(waist.x, 0, waist.z);
          Quaternion rot = Quaternion.FromToRotation(Vector3.right,waist);
          Quaternion rotInv = Quaternion.Inverse(rot);
          Vector3 shoulder = joint[Kinect.JointType_ShoulderRight] - joint[Kinect.JointType_ShoulderLeft];
          shoulder = new Vector3(shoulder.x, 0, shoulder.z);
          Quaternion srot = Quaternion.FromToRotation(Vector3.right,shoulder);
          Quaternion defaultQ = Quaternion.AngleAxis(90, new Vector3(0,1,0) )
    	* Quaternion.AngleAxis( -90, new Vector3(0,0,1 ) );
          foreach (HumanBodyBones b in targetBone) {
    	if (rigBone[b].isValid && trackingState[b] != Kinect.TrackingState_NotTracked) {
    	  rigBone[b].transform.rotation = rotInv * Quaternion.FromToRotation(Vector3.up,trackingSegment[b]) * defaultQ;
          Quaternion q = Quaternion.AngleAxis(-90, new Vector3(0,1,0))
    	* Quaternion.AngleAxis(-90, new Vector3(0,0,1));
          if (headMove && faceDir.magnitude > 1e-6) {
    	float pitch = faceDir.x, yaw = faceDir.y, roll = faceDir.z;
    	if (mirrored) {
    	  pitch = -pitch;
    	  roll = -roll;
    	} else {
    	  pitch = -pitch;
    	  yaw = -yaw;
    	rigBone[HumanBodyBones.Head].transform.rotation = Util.toQ(pitch, yaw, roll) * q;
          if (rigBone[HumanBodyBones.Chest].isValid)
    	rigBone[HumanBodyBones.Chest].transform.rotation = srot * q;
          if (mirrored) {
    	humanoid.transform.rotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(180,Vector3.up) * rot;
          } else {
    	humanoid.transform.rotation = rot;
          if (move == true) {
    	Vector3 m = joint[Kinect.JointType_SpineBase];
    	if (mirrored) m = new Vector3(-m.x, m.y, -m.z);
    	humanoid.transform.position = m;
  13. Create the C# script under the Assets/Scripts/ of the Project.
  14. from the above menu -> "Assets"」-> "Create"」 -> "C# Script" -> Filename is "Sample01"

    using System.Collections;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using UnityEngine;
    public class Sample01 : MonoBehaviour {
      NtUnity.Kinect nt;
      void Start () {
        nt = new NtUnity.Kinect();
      void Update () {
        Debug.Log("n = " + nt.skeleton.Count);
      void OnApplicationQuit() {
  15. Place an Empty Object in Hierarchy and change the name to "GameController". THen add Assets/Scripts/Sample01.cs of Project as a component to the GameController in Hierarchy.
  16. Save Scene as "Sample01.unity".
  17.   Files -> Save Scene as .. -> Sample01
  18. When executed, the RGB image acquired by Kinect V2 is displayed in a separate window, and the recognition status of the skeleton and face is displayed in that window. The number of recognized skeleton is output on the console of the Unity Editor.
  19. Runtime Video is here

  20. The Unity project described in this topic is here UnityDLL01.zip.
  21. Since the above zip file may not include the latest "NtKinectDLL.dl" and "NtUnity.cs", Download the latest version from here and replace old one with it.
